Buildings 5 & 6


Buildings 5 & 6

Тhe premises are intended to be dry warehouses, but are also suitable for light industrial production.

Building 5

Modern building with built-up area of 6 399 sq. m., which covers all European standards. Some of its main characteristics are:
- 5 825 sq. m. warehouse area
- 574 sq. m. office and common areas
- Reinforced concrete construction.
- Minimal clear height of 10,5 m.
- Floor load capacity - 5 tons/sq.m.

Building 6

Fully identical to building 5.

- 5 825 sq. m. warehouse area
- 574 sq. m. office and common areas
- Reinforced concrete construction.
- Minimal clear height of 10,5 m.
- Floor load capacity - 5 tons/sq.m.

Common areas include - kitchen, changing room, showers and toilets.

6 400

sq.m / per building



ton/sq. m.
Floor load


M. Clear height



sq.m / office space
per building

  • Each building can be used by up to 3 customers. Each with its own office and approximately 2 000 sq.m. warehouse area.

  • Each building has 9 modern loading/unloading ramps by Novoferm

  • Around each building, there is plenty of space for maneuvers of trucks.

fl 1.png

Rent Space

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